Today I started this blog(obviously, I know) and I must confess I'm still assessing the reasons I did this. The thought had crossed my mind for a while now and I guess the main reason for creating it was wanting to share a bunch of my random thoughts with those who'll actually read this blog. Now, I know that doesn't sound terribly inspiring, but I'm genuinely curious at people's reactions to my thoughts, if there will actually be any. I just find myself sometimes thinking of random and different subjects in my mind and when I'm done I realise that actually sharing these thoughts with other people would probably have been much more productive. In the chaos(and I use that term loosely) that is my life, I often find myself forgetting these random ramblings I undertake intensely in my own mind. The subjects of these ramblings vary quite wildly, probably because I often have too much free time on my hands(or is that mind? hmmm...) and don't know what to do with it, a problem with which many people are confronted with nowadays. Quite a tragedy isn't it(I'm being sarcastic btw)?
Because I'm fast running out of things to say in this already quite dull initial post, I'm going to mention some of the subjects I'll probably talk about during my future ramblings here: the strange nature of pop music(you can thank Britney Spears' song "Toxic" and others like it for inspiring this one), the shameful state of televised political debates in my country(yes, I know, not everyone's cup of tea; but give it a chance, will ya?), as well know what? I wanted to mention another subject, but I've forgotten(thanks again, "memory") what it was.
See, that's why I created this blog!
PS: If you were disappointed by the quality of this post, read the title again(this is what 3 hours of sleep the previous night, as well as two pending exams will do to the quality of your posts btw).