Bloody hell, it's been a long time, hasn't it?
Ummm, hello?
Oh yeah, it's only been almost two full years. Not as long as I'd thought, now that I actually consider the amount of time that's passed since the last post. Hmm, 'The Dark Knight' post seems to be doing quite well, judging by its numbers. Kind of surprising, but not really, when you consider it's one of the biggest movies to have hit the so-called 'noughties'. Come to think of it, why the fuck to they call them the 'noughties' anyway? It's always struck me as kind of random and funny - I mean, you've got the 'seventies', 'eighties', 'nineties' and then...the 'noughties'. If that's not coming across as the odd one out, I don't know what is. Still, why the fuck are they called the 'noughties'?!
Oh, what's that you say Wikipedia? The name is derived from the term 'nought', which actually makes sense? Off to a great (re)start, aren't I?
Anyway, before I get lost in the throes of my own's an interesting experience coming back to the blog after (not) so long. Mind-blowing, I know. It's weird in that you realize that even though it's not been that long, you're kind of a different person to the one who rambled on, rather vitriolically, about some random Black Eyed Peas lyrics and about the fickleness of the Arctic Monkeys fandom. And yet, here I am, almost two years later and after seeing Arctic Monkeys live (yes, I'm bragging, shush) at the height of the 'AM' era, missing the rawness and...hmm, well this is rather peculiar. Usually, it's the other way around, but this time I actually have a Romanian term which suits the notion I'm looking for perfectly, namely 'zdranganeala' - I miss that aspect of the Arctic Monkeys' music, something which was featured prominently in their earlier work.
To understand what the fuck I'm trying to say here, listen to 'My Propeller' performed live in 2014 and then to a live version from back in 2009. Here, I'll do it with you, out of pure kindness of heart, seeing as I've done this before a bazillion times. Probably.
So yeah, interesting how things like that happen sometimes - I'd call it 'ironic', but I'm not really sure this would classify and well, I'm no Alanis Morissette, if that wasn't clear already. Anyway, these musings on differing perspectives and feeling like a different person from the one you were a few years ago remind me of one of Dr. House's (Hugh Laurie, for those of you who indulge in rock-dwelling as a pastime) most famous lines - 'people never change'...or was it 'people don't change'? Point is, I may very likely be paraphrasing. And well, as obstinate as Dr. House was in his beliefs, people do change, at least in my experience. When you think of the term 'change', you usually think of something earth-shattering and 180-y (I have a way with words, I know), but with people it's something a tad more subtle - we do change, but it's more like an 'addendum', an extra layer or layers. I'd call it evolution, but that's probably not the case for some individuals. And that's just the thing, at the end of the day, it's the willingness and openness of the individual towards accepting and adding that extra layer or layers which is key, which makes us who we are. I guess.
I'm not really sure what the actual point of all that was, but it seemed pertinent to talk about shifting and changing perspectives after (almost) two full years away (I've only hit you over the head with that bit of info 3 or 4 times by now) from something I was really passionate about at some point.
And well, 'noughties' definitely sounds bloody better than "Ohs", "Oh Ohs" or "Ooze" now, doesn't it?
Update, April 12th: Of course, I did forget to include a musical moment of the day yesterday, so I'll just go ahead and do it now - today's moment comes from the rambunctious Findlay, whose young career is blossoming nicely if I do say so myself:
Additionally, I've stumbled upon the following article, a good read if you're looking for a more thought-provoking insight into 'the noughties' as a whole.
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